
4 Sacrifices I made to become wealthy

      Someone once asked me if I am actually rich since I always talk about being rich and wealthy. I replied, "I am rich according to my own perspective of being rich" here's the breakdown!
 While going through a personal analytics about a month ago, I came to a conclusion that most people are slaves of money especially in some part of Africa because they wake up everyday to catch up with a job which they hated with passion but had no other choice than to do it as the only medium of survival and I decide not to be a slave to that  kind of frustrating life so I came up with a new definition of wealth which goes this "Doing what you passionately love and earning a little more than what you need take care of your needs"

With that being said let's go into the the "4 Sacrifices I made to become wealthy as a young man"  

  Make sure you click here to check out our other post which talks about the "5 best advices for the young people most especially within the age of 17 and 30.

 1. Delaying Gratification:

When I had my first fortune in the business world, hardly would anyone know that my financial status has been raised at all, It didn't reflect in my dressing or appearance in anyway because I knew this instant gratification is a temptation I must overcome, I never used any fancy stuffs neither do I spend unnecessarily. 95% of the world population tends to fall into the temptation of Instant Gratification. Let's take for example A young man who made his first million and all his mind and brain could get h is how to start looking for a second hand car, can you imagine! Almost everyone tends to practice instant gratification to different extent we all want to wear latest things to feel among, but I tell you. Delaying Gratification will always worth it and you'll never regret doing just that.
The Image above will give you a perfect insight on the need to delay Gratification even though it's not always easy.

2. Letting Go of my dearest but negative Friends

   Of course, those friends are very dear to me but their perspective towards life is so poor that I felt the need to quit the friendship relationship. I once read a book and I got this quote from it which goes this "Your net worth determines your net worth" yeah! You are smart!! I know you understand what I am talking about. You see, who you hang out with determines your personality that's why we always have the adage "show me your friend, I'll tell you who you are" you can't really be a friend of someone without exhibiting some of his/her behaviour, it can't happen! You either behave like them consciously or Unconsciously or even both. If your friend's don't have a position view about life, well... I don't expect you to!
Commenting on this picture illustration, if she stay a little while, she'll start having the thoughts that what her friends were doing ain't that bad and that's where the influence strikes on her Unconsciously.

 Now, where the sacrifice lies is that you must be willing to say no to wrong people that are potentially capable of influencing your life for negative impact. The people that should be around you are the people that their knowledge and experiences can be useful for you as you move through the relatively difficult journey of life.

Evil communication corrupts good manners. Says the Bible!
 3.  The love of my family members.

 I am an Afircan and in the culture where I grew up your attachment to your family is forever. You don't get to a particular stage and let go of your family members.  As the youngest member of the family everyone else wants to tell you what to do with your life. Even when you're 30 years old. My life's plan was already in my head. So when I announced that I had a different plan it was a disaster for me the plan everyone had for me was to become a PhD holder because a degree is like a god in my country.

Until recent times at some point in my life. I had to decide Side, whether I'll continue enjoying the love of my mother father and my family members or go after my dream of building a business I decided for the latter and as a consequence of that decision, I went through years of trauma because almost everyone in my family was waiting for my absolute crash and they won't support you because they want their prophecy to come to pass. I don't know the part of the world you are but I assure you someone very special to you is going to kick against your dream that maybe your mother Your father or your friend, you'll find yourself in an emotional crisis. Should I listen to my mother to make her happy and our relationship fine or should I follow my dream and get my precious mother to disown me? I cried many nights. It was a painful moment for me and the only reason why I could go after my dream was that I knew all of my life was made up of it. Letting go of my dreams means letting go of my life. I would rather let My most precious relationships than to let go of my dreams life is always a matter of "choice"

4. The social media:

 I was once a Facebook. Junkie who spent as much as four to five hours every day on Facebook. I woke up one day and deleted my Facebook account because I was not just wasting my time. I was losing my mind expecting likes and comments from the people who don't even care about my existence in the universe. Social media is like alcohol, it is  greatly addictive!

    Before you know it, you've spent hours scrolling through other people's update of lies that doesn't add value to your life. It can even get you thinking and comparing your life with other friends whom you thought had made it in life because of their fake lifestyle.

I don't mean that you should stop using social media. For instance  Some people claim that YouTube is a social media. I don't see YouTube as a social media I rather see it as a College or let me say Archive of information. I also use WhatsApp to communicate with a few important people in my life. The only sacrifice I made is the cutoff the noisy and wasteful part of the social media. Do you have a business promote it on social media and spending several hours doing that will be an investment or you're just posting your photos to expect some likes and comments. Maybe you should get that up for something more productive.

  We all have hobbies, addiction but letting go of them to boost your status in any ramifications is the sacrifice we need. Not necessarily leaving your family members or letting go of friends but you have your unique addiction that you KNOW it's capable of ruining your chance of success. Letting Go of those unique short termed pleasure is the sacrifice you need to make.

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