
6 proven types of people that is highly important to your success in 2020

Hi there! there are actually people you need in your life to succeed. Success is not a lone game, you can never succeed if you are to do things alone. Sorry if that sound harsh, but that's just the truth! Charlie Jones once said "the people you meet and the books you read will determine where you'll be in the next five years." as humans, We are who we are because of who we have in our lives or around us. In other words, you're an average of about five people closest to you. But what are the types of people you really need to have in your life to become successful? in this post, I'll be sharing with you the six proven best people you need in your life to smash success in 2020. You must have them! It's a must!

1. THE CHALLENGER: Laziness is something that has been in human since ages past but self discipline is the only water that can quench the fire of laziness. We all enjoy our comfort zones because the system of human is naturally programmed to love 'comfortability' unfortunately we can't Be A Hero by Living in peace and comfort hence we have to discipline ourselves to do somethings that isn't naturally comfortable to our comfort seeking self. But to really do this you need people in your life who derives joy in challenging you, these people may be friends that are really crazy about getting things done or peer who really were different from everyone else in their view of life, People who challenge you and pull you out of your comfort zone and make you feel Psychologically high to the extent of trying things that your 'normal self' cannot dream of trying.
but what's most important is that you need these types of people in your life. People who make you to wake up early and sleep late.

These people may be your  mentors, Academic teachers, consultants, or the one that's even teaching you now! (Fiero) because we all have very limited knowledge about life and most things, and the wisest thing to do is to 'tap' knowledge from people who have gone ahead of us, who have the experience of what we are venturing into. Here an hidden truth! 'to really be successful you must know what most people in your 'level' don't know. You must know the key things before they are able to discover at all, that's why you need to have teachers and learn from experts. You must be inquisitive and ask questions,  reading 'good and relevant' books must not be something boring to you. Never! Of course you don't necessarily have to get a physical mentor, these days you can easily become a student of anyone without leaving your room. For instance, I have a lot of teacher presently that are not within my physical reach. Some are online, I became the student of some by taking time to study their works which made me  know how they think, what they believe, and most importantly life's wisdom which drastically makes my own life better. Like I said earlier, you need to know what most people haven't discoverd yet to be successful and to know what people don't know, you need some Great teachers. ascd.org do not underestimate the power of an effective teacher and why we should access them. Use the internet and social media to maximise your ability to succeed just as you are doing now. There are billions of live changing videos on YouTube you can access for free. Just free. In this case the internet can be your teacher too.

While growing up, I once had a man that I do go to mostly by weekends. He had a great influence on my success! He'll say 'Go and come back here to share me your testimony' and in most cases, that's exactly what'll eventually happen he already believe In me even when I was still having some tiny inner doubt in my ability. You need this kind of people in your life. Some will express this believes like the man I earlier talked about while others will simply Show You by their support for your dreams, you have to Cherish such people because they ain't that much.
But the question is 'how can I get people to believe in me' the first thing I should tell you is not so many people will  believe in you and you have to understand that because I just told you they are scarce but if you have one or two people to affirm their believes in you, you've got a good number already. Even your parents or people closer may never believe in your dreams, maybe because it seems 'unrealistic' to them. Well you don't have to worry about them and since you know that they don't believe in you, 'never' share your next move with them even if they are as close as your parents because all you'll get from them is discouragement and before you know, you are already feeling like a fool that wants to do the impossible. The person that will believe in you may be your friend or just a colleague at work, Infact you may have only a teacher to believe in you. That teacher may not necessarily be within your physical reach. Maybe an online teacher. If you're serious about your dream, you'll come across someone who will truly believes in you. Keep such people in your life as you need them to keep on being motivated towards your dream. They are not an option, they are necessary.

This set of people are very important in your life. They are VIP on your road to success. A little humor there but the truth is 'If you did not have the doubters in your life,  your life's dream is not big enough' there are surprising ways we benefit from doubters which may be hidden to us. luckily, those set of people are the easiest to find. They are everywhere! You may have a question dashing through your mind, maybe this - "what's the use of the doubters on my journey to smashing success in life?" well in my own case, whenever someone says I cannot do something, I get somehow agitated and inspired to go the extra mile because I want to prove their inception and prophecy wrong. I want them to know that I am limitless. You understand such scenarios don't you? You know how you feel when you want to prove someone wrong don't you? the feeling is what you need to push through and get ahead and this spirit is only triggered by the doubters. and can make you go farther than you can imagine. As earlier said, the doubters are easy to find. Just share your dreams and study their body languages. Some will be bold enough to tell you that your dream is just a piece of trash but when you get these doubters to doubt you, just record their voice in your head and play it everytime like a piece of music, this will make you see the need to prove them wrong and with time, you'll be surprise by the result.

This set are not that much like the doubters but we still have them all around. The critics will always find fault in everything you do no matter how you do them. For instance when a celebrity takes any action no matter how good it is there will still be people that will criticize the action and oppose it. That's the life of the critics. They just want to frustrated you, now you see that they are different from the doubters, this ones will make you feel you are doing everything wrong, make you lose your self esteem and make you feel inferior but why did you need them too? Well, the popular Business man - Bill Gates once said "The customer who criticize your work product and packaging are the best who spring you to excellence" everyone's not a business man so I am giving you another version "The Person/People who criticize your dreams and aspirations are the best to spring you to excellence" they challenge you every moment.
Never feel bad anytime you're criticised
They cause you to have a personal self assessment and examination or appraisal. When your dream is criticized, do not be offended, sad or discouraged.  While in school our teachers/Lecturer criticize our work when they score us in order to get the maximum best from us which happen in most cases J.H. Jansen said "The man who won may have been counted out many times, but he did not hear the referee" criticism should not make you sad in any way but rather energetic to scale to the utmost height.

This life you see doesn't work with 'lone gamers' - people who always want to do everything by themselves and with nobody. Maybe life will see them as being proud and selfish and would not work for them. Kind of a joke but that's how it works 'It will always faster for two people than a single person' Thomas Oppong has written extensively in medium.com on the importance of cooperation - he said no one Succeed alone is part of what you need to achieve success really quickly. John Maxwell once said "one is too small a number to achieve greatness" Ask for help! Form Alliance! strike a partnership deal! employ others! Build a team! Just never be alone, be willing to get others to partner with you, Work with you, cooperate with you and even take risk with you.

To be successful really quickly, those people mentioned earlier are very important to the speed and magnitude of our success. People that dares you and make you feel uncomfortable until you accomplish the challenge, people who teaches you (may be physical, online, videos and text), People who believe in you and your dreams, people who doubt you and people that will partner with you of follow you on your journey because two will always be better than one. Get connected to these people and maximally utilise their different relationships with you become successful faster than even you can imagine.

Stay successful.

I have a question for you - which category of these people do you already have in your life?

Enjoy next:
Best Advice for "Youths"

Sacrifice to become wealthy

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