
Welcome Message | Everything About Python Programming 101 Course

I WELCOME you to the python Programming 101 intensive and comprehensive masterclass. Congrats! You've signed up to the group of YOUNG COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS 

Now that you're signed up. All you have to do is to be patient and wait for the commencement of the program which will be on the 25th of October all through to the 4th of November 2020 (check the banner below for more details)

If you're yet to join the program, Kindly click here to get signed in and if you're already in one of the groups, be patient and wait for the commencement of the program. 

If you have any questions to ask or anything you don't understand about the program, click here to ask your question. Fiero Academy will be very much happy to hear from you. 

The tutor of this program is Mr. Patrick of Cisco Academy for more info visit netacad.com.

A Printable certificate will be issued to each and everyone of the participants who know the importance of obtaining a Certificate and upgrading their knowledge base as well as their curriculum vitae (CV).

The one more thing you need in this program is RAPT ATTENTION. About 5000 people are going to be participating in this program but I'm sure not all will eventually become a Seasoned Programmer. That is why you as an individual need rapt attention to scale through this course with excellence and proceed to the next phase of your Programming career.

The youngest Facebook Programmer is only 13yrs old so you shouldn't have the fear that python coding is hard. It is simple in the real sense but the phobia make it seem hard. Just keep your head up, hot during tutorials and follow attentively and you're going to begin the learning of a high income skills and also become a certified programmer. Cheers!

Visit Cisco Networking Academy for more Programming courses.

Excellence in all your way, Amen!!
Signed: Fiero Academy Team.
In Partnership with Cisco Networking Academy


  1. Thanks so much.. I'm a final year student of FCEABK studying computer science mathematics but till now I can't write programs.
    I hope I will be learn a lot from this
    Thanks in Anticipation sirs

  2. Thanks alot I really appreciate your efforts towards impacting into others knowledge on programming especially the python programming language

  3. Thanks sir...I find it so boring when I firstly learnt it...buy I hope it will be more interesting


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