
How to stop being broke/fast hack

At the end of this article you should have thoughts of actions running through your mind but the way you respond to those thoughts of course can be determined by you.
       You have always wanted to live fine and get things done but your bank account says there's no hope. If you've ever been broke or you are right now. This is the perfect time to check this blogpost to make sure that we can help pull you out of that mode and immediately into a mindset that can free you from the bondage of being broke.


 I could make this statement repeatedly and I'm gonna hope and pray that it hits you with impact, and that is "what you think about the most, you bring about!". The problem with being broke is that you can be broke and you can be poor - one is a mindset and the other is related to your bank account! But once you're broken up mentally, you can get stuck in the rut of focusing on bills. You're focusing on not enough money but hey! I got news for you - "what you think about expands" and if you're in the 'broke' mindset, it's because you do focus on bills. How you feel about bills is going to determine if you'll be able to pay them and move on or whether they only sink you deeper into debt. If you don't change your thoughts, then your financial status can't change and If you don't face this reality, you can't fix This reality.


 So by the way, what energy are you emitting by being broke or poor? Well if you are like an average person you have your physical evergy (bills) combined with your mental energy (how do I pay) drive you to sadness and depression. You might want to clear off the thought with some alcohol, drugs or pornography but of course you are still coming to meet the reality and until you face it, it remains there! Cheers, maybe we face it together right now.


The practical advice is not what you need right now. If you're struggling with being broke, what you need is a new Psychology reset, a new mental reframe.


Something like "When I have money, I am happy
but when I don't, I am not happy" I'm telling you right now that mindset stinks and it needs to be upgraded. This is what makes you broke mentally. Your ability to find the Deep joy that you are searching for without the 'money thing' is what makes the difference. Let me tell you this "You can have thesame amount of joy as the richest man, even more! Now that you are broke" even the billionaire ain't as happy and healthy as you are!


This is where you need to put your focus on in the stead of 'we don't have enough'  'I need more' energy that's been in you before. Focus on how to create wealth rather than how many people you are owing or how much. You need money, then Keep looking for new ways to add value. You can still have confidence when you're broke. And that's the most important thing you need to gain from this post and that's the difference between broke and poor.

 Of course they're not the same thing 'broke' is a mental condition and 'poor' is a temporary Financial condition that can become permanent If you don't learn how to master the Mind.

Do you know why I know that you have everything that you need? because you're reading this post which means You are making a new resolution to get into how to solve your financial problem, Maybe you were once sobbing because of the debt that has accumulated over time but now you click this because you are looking for a solution. Same thing applies here. Stop thinking of the problem and start thinking of the solution! break the mental bondage that says "I'm broke and there's nothing I can do about it. Maybe this person caused it" what's that? Caused it? you have no one to blame for your misfortune! No one!! It's your life!  reasonThat's more reason you should brace up and take responsibilities.

You click this and read to this extent because you are broke and you need a perfect solution and here is the '7As' from Fiero.

1. Accept the fact that you are broke

2. Anticipate to break out of the state.

3. Act as though you have no bills to pay or debts on ground

4. Allow in fresh ideas by blocking out those wierd imagination about the future (Fear of tomorrow) or the "where do I start from" ideas.

5. Act out those new fresh ideas and don't be afraid to fail at the first attempt

6. Admit failures, persevere and don't think of backing out / Nurture the process with patience

7. Announce your success to the world!!!

If this post worth sharing please do not hesitate to share.

Before you leave I have a question for you. || Did you gained anything from the blogpost?

Let me know in the comment section. Follow on all our social media platforms.

Nakisha Wynn said in her post that you could go get help from someone with financial skills because we all have areas of specialties. Read more.... What to do when you are broke

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